Have you ever heard voices? Or had visions? Do you communicate with God, Angels, or dead people? Do they communicate back?
When I was a kid I remember hearing voices in my head. I never told anyone about them. They seemed a little creepy - calling my name - seeking my attention. I figured the best that could come of it would be a trip to Dr. PsychO. I have always had intimate discussions with God. Mostly one way. I loved the book "Are you There God, It's Me Margaret?" just for the simple fact that another child was talking to God - often. When I talked to God, I didn't really list off my wishes, I left those for Santa. I really just had questions and wonders.
My teenage years consisted of just getting through. As did college. I pushed through college in 3 1/2 years. Not because I am a super-overachiever or because I am super smart. I just figured I better get it done with quick, before I quit. I like to quit. I might decide one day just to quit this blog - so be ready. I like to say "I like change" instead of "I quit". Anyways, I am rambling. So, I got through college and LIFE opened up to me. An inifinite amount of choices and opportunities to be ME.
Over the last five years I have taken a strong interest in personal development. I sought answers to the questions I had as a child. I became immersed in all things spiritual, mostly books and youtube videos by nationally known authors. You can find most of their works in the New Age section. A few New Age authors, with many bestsellers, have the privlege of residing in the Self Improvement section. I have read Wayne Dyer, Don Miguel Ruiz, Byron Katie, Doreen Virtue, Jane Roberts, Esther and Jerry Hicks (Abraham), Eckhart Tolle, Debbie Ford, Neale Donald Walsch, etc. As I rode out my life journey many other things began to happen to lead me in new directions.
I had a friend introduce me to Shamanic Journeying to drum music. During my first time I had a very strong vision about a friend's child that was going through some things. I shared the vision with my friend in hopes that it would help.
A good friend's deceased dad (whom I have never met) started "talking" to me during a meditation. When I silently expressed my disbelief that HE was really talking, he gave me a obscure piece of info to pass on. Later it was confirmed accurate by my friend's mom. I also had this feeling of her dad's personality from my meeting with him and shared it with her. She said it sounded accurate.
I regularly ask Angels and Spirit Guides to help me and guide me. I usually get pretty clear advice if I am open and willing to listen.
Last spring, while Googling something specific, I came across Steve Pavlina's website. Evidently, he is the Online Blog Guru for all things personal development. I was stunned that I had never heard of him before. I spend a lot of time on the internet researching personal development. Then I noticed he was promoting his wife's blog, Erin Pavlina. Erin writes about her experiences as an inutitive. I was in love with their togetherness. Two things I was passionate about under ONE roof. I can't imagine what it's like to be at their dinner table.
I booked an appointment with Erin and had a reading. I found her to be spot-on. She wasn't predicting my future, she was giving me guidance (from my guides) on where I could be heading. Everything she relayed to me I had heard from my own intuition, before my reading. However, my interpretations were a mumble-jumble mess of should's and should not's. She clearly stated the could's. Things I could do, if I chose to. She cleared my imaginary windshield so I could see where I was going.
Today I emailed her another thank you. I wish I could personally thank all of the people that been serendipitously placed in my life to help guide me back to myself.
Part of my feeling different has to do with my life-long quest to know God. To know the reality of life beyond this life. Do I think I have all of the answers? No. Do I have some ideas? Definitely. Do I want to know more? Sure. Everyone I come into contact with is placed in my life to be my teacher. I know this. Life is the classroom for the Soul.
Special thanks to some of my favorite teachers:
My great friend KARK (female version) who has taught me so much about being religious and spiritual!
My mom who taught me that it's not what you say but what you do that matters.
My husband who loves me unconditionally (almost - except for the short hair, tattoo and drag on a cigarette that I take once a year)
My MIL who taught me to be honest and set boundaries.
Countless friends who share different beliefs than me but have the courage to love me anyway!
My dad and my grandpa M. Two beautiful, kind men that made me feel captivating before I knew what captivating was.
My kids for teaching me that I still have a lot to learn!
Mmmm... I don't think that loving you despite different beliefs takes courage. Just openness and love.
I am open to everything you've said here.
I'll share an experience with you:
When I was 17 and living alone in a downtown apartment, I was really scared one night. I don't remember if it was the roaming, angry, violent schitzophrenic outside again or if it was something else. But I felt so insecure in my apartment that was very insecure. I phoned a man called my "home teacher". He and his partner would visit me once a month and find out how I was doing, if I needed anything (food, love, help, guidance, whatever) and would leave me with a spiritual message. It's a very organized part of our church program whereby everyone is assigned different people to visit each month. Everyone theoretically gets taken care of. (IF you do your home teaching, that is.)
So, anyway, I phoned my home teacher. I asked him to come and give me a blessing by the laying on of hands. Before he came I was praying and praying over and over to please let angels be with me and let me be safe. I never told my home teacher this.
In the blessing Alan said, "The Lord wants you to know that you ARE safe and that angels are with you."
What kind of scientific explanation is there for THAT?
I think it takes courage to love people and keep them in your life when you are opposed. Openness and unconditional love take courage. I think, anyway. Someday someone may ask you where you stand - will you deny them and yourself the truth for your own preservation?
Sorry, everything is hurried here, I have to go to work.. but I also wanted to say. No, you are right, science would say "coincidence" and I say absolutely not! :)
Cool story. xoxo
Oh boy, there's so much to say.
I may have to comment in the form of my own blog post. That is, if I can write it!!
I am really interested and excited to learn of your psychic ability, however unorganized it may seem to you. I'd love to learn more about it-
I always had hunches about the way things like guides and stuff worked, and then I met the boss of my first REAL job (post college). This enormously tall, gangly and unusual homosexual man and I hit it off as if we were two peas in a pod. I think at first we were both alittle alarmed and shocked over how easily we got along, having been perfect strangers. It was a true match made in Heaven...
As I began to know him better but still I was new at my design job, he confided in me that he goes to a psychic every so often throughout the year and that he had recently been to visit Kim. Without saying anything to her about me (why would he?), she volunteered the information that his guides were telling her of a 'girl that [he] had met recently, someone considerably younger than him, for whom he thought highly of. This woman [me] is someone you instantly felt comfortable with and someone that you consider a life-long friend, despite the fact that you only just met her. It feels to [you] that you've known her forever, and indeed, you have... you have been entwined in each other's lives for several lifetimes..."
However, it explained how we just felt like we had always known one another...
With this new information, my ears perked up to the whole psychic thing and I started paying attention to the things he taught me (that Kim had taught him)...
Right after that, I read the book What Dreams May Come, (not the movie, the movie sucks)... and so much of what I heard from Kim was re-iterated in this book. I became hooked.
About that same time, John Edward started his famous TV show, Crossing Over. My Mom and I were both obsessed with it. She had lost a brother to AIDS in the 90s and I think this show gave her hope. In addition, she was in poor health and I think we both loved the idea that we would forever be bonded, should she pass on.
Which she did.
I have an amazing story about guides and faith that involves my very special bond with my Mom that I should tell you about. If I can coherently construct a blog about it, I will. Its pretty mind-blowing.
I'd like to know how you sensed your friend's fathers presence, having never met him. How did you know who he was????
In response to Natasha Becoming Something (which blog name I love, btw) I have a story which sort of explains what I think was happening in her apartmnt (the scary part). And I have a cure- weird, but true... Will post that too
He just said "this is so and so's dad, tell my baby girl I said hi". He had a specific message for her about something she had been worrying about. He didn't give me the verifier until I started assuming I was cuckoo - and that it wasn't real. Beyond what he said a "personality" immerged, too. It was pretty cool.
I would love to hear your story about your mom. Erin has a few stories about John Edwards on her site. She had gone to see him at his Live show. She is also a medium.
My mediumship experiences (such as the vision of my friend's daughter and the talk with another friend's father) seem to come when I least expect it and sporadically. Talking to Angels and Guides is another thing. I can get info most anytime with them.
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