It's not the author's writing style. Or the lure of vampire stories - though that adds to the 'forbidden love' feeling. It's just the all-consuming, passionate love story. We are never too old for a good love story. But, admittedly, I feel a little too old to be this smitten....
I guess I can add 'nice vegetarian vampires' to my list of fantasy men. The list that started in 2nd grade with Peter Pan and grew to include Brad Pitt, Jesus and now Vegetarian Vampires.
Before any of you go worrying about my poor husband you need to know something. My fantasies are based in my attraction to the spirit of a person.
Peter Pan did his own thing by not growing up, yet caring enough for Wendy to consider leaving Neverland. And Brad Pitt, well that attraction really came from his character in Legends of The Fall. His long hair and rebellious ways -but when he fell in love he fell hard. And Jesus - again the long hair - and the good heart, but a revolutionary. They all have supernatural powers, too, which adds the spiritual element of life that I am so fond of.
Well, I married a guy that had long hair when I met him, he is kind and gentle, but also doesn't put up with my crap, and is more rebellious (mostly adventurous) than I am in many ways. I think these stories remind me that I married a man with the qualities that I am, and always have been, attracted to. (Kevin and I in 1994)
Who is Edward Cullen?
I have this weird affection for King Henry (Johnathan Rhys Meyers) in The Tudors on Showtime that reminds me of yours with this Edward Cullen guy... thinking about my own list, there aren't commonalities like yours- mine are all over the map.
I thought this was an interesting post, made all the more interesting knowing the Kevin likes to read your blog... should make for some interesting dinner conversation!
Edward Cullen is the vampire in the Twilight books by Stephanie Meyers. They were written for Young Adults and I started reading them because my favorite 17 year old loves them and talks about them all of the time. :) Now I'm hooked.
Yes, I kindof like a certain type, I guess. Kevin fits my type. Especially did when I was 17 and he was 21 and had long hair and a CAR! He's a good guy. I think he knows I love him a ton!
I haven't gotten into those books yet. Did you know that Stephanie Meyers is Mormon??
I heard that. What do you think about that? Is it strange for her to write about Vampires??? I am asking from a completely naive position...
Okay Katie, after having read the 4 books, Midnight Sun, and now re-reading Breaking Dawn for a second time, I have to say that you are not alone!
I too am majorly in love with Edward Cullen. The love story is what I love, his intelligence, chivalry, discipline, beauty, and more than any of that... the depth of love he has for Bella. A love that is painful for him, but is so pure at heart that he will give her anything, even if it (metaphorically) kills him.
Lovely books. Thank you for the recommendation!
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