I have a blank canvas. It's white. I detest white. Okay, not really detest. White can be exquisite and beautiful, especially in contrast to what is normally green and brown. Snowy days are gorgeous. Ivory soap is pretty. White hair can be stunning. What really bothers me about white is that without vigilance and constant attention, at some point, somehow, Life is going to come along and mess it up. White is impossible to maintain.
White is said to represent purity, innocence and cleanliness (from Wikipedia). Is that why I have a problem with it? Let me dissect purity. True purity is a virtue that likely no one can claim fully. The white wedding dress is an easy example. Whether or not you had sex before marriage is irrelevant. You probably had impure thoughts, at least. If wedding dresses could give away secrets, I wonder how many dresses would be completely white...... (still wondering)....... Mine? Not red or black, thank you very much. I think at least a spot of pink on the hem for even the purist of the pure. Having a name that means "pure" has always made me chuckle. I didn't even try to live up to that one ..... [grin] .....
I like the idea of purity, innocence and cleanliness. But kinky, experienced (wise?), and dirty is fun too. So, for me, adding color to life is among the best expressions of authenticity. My favorite color is purple. It always has been. But I don't decorate with purple. I have never painted a wall purple. When I decorate I use autumnal colors. Oranges, reds, browns, greens, yellows.... Those bold colors are my self-expression colors. Purple I save for my thoughts, small gestures, intimacy.
So, today I literally have a blank canvas. Interesting, too, that our lives are blank canvases. How will I best express myself with this blank canvas that I have? I have chosen my colors and my creation method and soon I will get to see what manifests from my intentions and actions. Maybe I will let a speck of purity and innocence show through. Maybe I will not. For me, at least, life is more fun when experienced in color.
Great post. I'm so glad that there are other peeps out there that dissect life in a way I can really appreciate.
Coooooooome baaaaaack!
I miisssss you!
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