Thursday, September 11, 2008

Come Write On My Bathroom Walls!

Once again, I need your help. I am starting a quote wall in my pink bathroom. This bathroom is attached to my kitchen that was painted when the water damage happened. The entire kitchen was light pink and glossy. Luckily, the damage changed that to mossy green. The bathroom was not painted because it had no wall damage. So, it is still faintly pink and glossy. I really have wanted to paint it, but since I am not getting to that project, I thought I would make a quote wall out of it.

My creative neighbors have a quote wall. It is their entire kitchen/dining room. The way I have heard it, they allow friends and family to add their favorite quotes on occassion. Like bathroom stall writing - without the vulgarities, BFF's, or TLA's. Quotes. Only. Good One's. That make you think. or Feel Good.

So, I am going to do the same in the pink bathroom. Fitting, I think. The bathroom. It's small, with four high walls. I started with the Hafiz quote I used the other day on my blog about the sun never saying to the earth "you owe me".

If you live near me and want to come write your quote in my bathroom, I'll let you. You must pass either the friendship/family test (as in, I know you) or a background check before I let you in my house. :)

If you don't live near me and want me to add your quote to my wall, submit it in the comments. I'll pick my favorites. If I pick your quote I will also use it as a blog title and come up with something smart to say about it. Or, I'll try, anyway.

I can't wait to hear your favorites!


Anonymous said...

My favorite quote from Beth Yankee , "You should not buy strawberries at the same place you buy your underpants."

camiropa said...

This quote by Emerson has been on the front of my refrigerator now for... 16 years. It continues to be one of my all-time favorites:

"To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch... to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have suceeded!"

This is an interesting idea. I have a similar one: when we got married, I bought a plain, boring white tablecloth and a black permanent marker. Each time we had someone special at our table for dinner, we asked them to at least sign and date it, and doodle or add a quote if they liked. The results were amazing! Neat momento- and something to keep forever.

Anonymous said...

I love that Emerson quote too. I like it better in its entirety. I think it says something about a changed situation.

Well, I have a favourite quotes page on my blog. So, any one from there will do.

For short ones, I love the one from Foy Vance: She never was a fighter 'til he laid beside her and gently whispered "Hope".

Anonymous said...

Also, that quote was on my fridge, too Just Me! I forgot to say that.